Over the summer I've been learning and meeting new people in the Ontario arts community. All that exploring has lead me from Kingston to Ottawa to Bancroft and now a new experience of art school in Haliburton! I first saw the campus while walking through a really amazing sculpture forest put on by the school. There's this one wire shoe at the start that has just captivated my soul since. It wasnt until I found out that they had a 3-month intensive ceramics course that I was SOLD. I had done two classes this spring with hintonburg pottery and LOVED IT! Clay is one of the only mediums I've used that has been able to fully take me out of my funk and I cant wait to explore it more.
Ceramics however doesnt start until January 2025 (3 months away at this point) and until then I've been picking up some other skills with the college. I'm currently learning photoshop and adobe illustrator so that I can offer prints soon! I also took a day lino printing workshop and carved a bunch of smaller stamps. Over the next 3 months Im challenging myself to continue learning on my own and push myself to explore all the different things I can do. What an exciting
time to be an artist in my 20s on the brink of really starting out. Looking forward to my time in Haliburton!